Laerdal Little Baby QCPR -elvytysnukkeManufacturer : LaerdalLaerdal Little Baby QCPR – vauvanukke tuo elvytysharjoitteluun entistä enemmän laatua ja tehokkuutta. Reaaliaikainen palaute painellusten ja puhallusten laadusta, elvytyssuorituksen pisteytys sekä yksityiskohtainen yleiskatsaus tukevat kokonaislaatuista PPE -koulutusta. Saatavana myös 4:n kappaleen paketissa. Etsistkö Little Baby QCPR -nukellesi uusia ilmateitä tai kasvo-osia? Vaihtokeuhkot täältä ja vaihtokasvot täältä.€299,00 €375,25Varastossa, saatavilla heti
Laerdal Little Family QCPR -perhepakettiManufacturer : LaerdalInteraktiiviset Laerdal QCPR -elvytysnuket nyt saatavana kaikki yhdessä, samassa Little Family QCPR -perhepaketissa: Little Anne QCPR Little Junior QCPR Little Baby QCPR€849,00 €1.065,50Varastossa, saatavilla heti
Prestan Ultralite Baby manikin 4 Pack (Dark)Manufacturer : PrestanComplete your training environment with this set of four baby Ultralite manikins. Each Prestan Ultralite Baby Manikin is equipped with an integrated monitor that provides students with both visual and spoken feedback during the resuscitation process.
Prestan Ultralite Baby manikin 4 Pack (Medium)Manufacturer : PrestanComplete your training environment with this set of four baby Ultralite manikins. Each Prestan Ultralite Baby Manikin is equipped with an integrated monitor that provides students with both visual and spoken feedback during the resuscitation process.
Prestan Baby CPR Manikins 4 Pack (Dark)Manufacturer : PrestanEnhance your CPR training with this set of 4 Prestan Baby CPR manikins. These manikins are designed to provide a realistic experience during CPR training sessions. Each Prestan Baby CPR manikin is equipped with an integrated CPR monitor that provides both visual and auditory feedback to the trainee during the CPR process.
Prestan Infant Ultralite Manikin with CPR Feedback Diversity KitManufacturer : PrestanComplete your training environment with this set of four Prestan Ultralite baby manikins. Each manikin features an integrated monitor that provides students with both visual and verbal feedback during the resuscitation process.
Prestan Professional Collection Pack (Dark)Manufacturer : PrestanThe Prestan Professional Collection Pack comprises of three CPR training manikins: one for adults, one for children and one for babies, all with a dark skin tone. With this Prestan collection, students can practice CPR skills on various sized victims. Thanks to the included carry bag, instructors can easily transport the manikins. Additionally, the set includes lungs for each training manikin type (10 of each).
Prestan Professional Collection Pack (Light)Manufacturer : PrestanThe Prestan Professional Collection Pack consists of 3 resuscitation manikins: an adult, child and baby resuscitation manikin with a light tone. With the Prestan Collection Pack, the trainee learns CPR on different victims. The instructor easily transports the CPR manikins in the accompanying carry case. The set also includes lungs, 10x for each type of manikin.
Prestan Ultralite Baby CPR Manikin (Light)Manufacturer : PrestanThe Prestan Ultralite Baby CPR Manikin is compact and extremely lightweight. The manikin features a feedback system that can be attached to the shoulder. This feedback system guides the trainees during CPR on the quality of their CPR technique.
Prestan Baby CPR Manikin (Dark)Manufacturer : PrestanThe Prestan Baby CPR Manikin with dark skin tone offers a realistic approach to training infant CPR. Weighing just 3kg, this training manikin is lightweight and easily transported in the accompanying carry bag. Included with the manikin are 10 lung bags.€209,00 €262,30Varastossa, saatavilla heti
Prestan Baby CPR Manikin (Light)Manufacturer : PrestanThe Prestan Baby CPR Manikin (Light) is a realistic manikin for training CPR on a baby. It is a lightweight CPR manikin weighing only 3 kilograms and comes with 10 lung bags. Easily transport the Prestan Baby in the carry bag provided.€209,00 €262,30Varastossa, saatavilla heti
Laerdal Little Baby QCPR -elvytysnukke, 4kplManufacturer : LaerdalLaerdal Little Baby QCPR – vauvanukke tuo elvytysharjoitteluun entistä enemmän laatua ja tehokkuutta. Reaaliaikainen palaute painellusten ja puhallusten laadusta, elvytyssuorituksen pisteytys sekä yksityiskohtainen yleiskatsaus tukevat kokonaislaatuista PPE -koulutusta. Saatavana myös yksittäiskappaleena. Etsistkö Little Baby QCPR -nukellesi uusia ilmateitä tai kasvo-osia? Vaihtokeuhkot täältä ja vaihtokasvot täältä.€1.149,00 €1.442,00Varastossa, saatavilla heti
Brayden BabyManufacturer : BraydenOminaisuudet: Reaaliaikainen palaute Realistiset piirteet Erittäin käyttäjäystävällinen Ainutlaatuinen elvytystilanteen visualisointi Loistava hinta/laatu suhde€929,00 €1.165,90Varastossa, saatavilla heti